State Government Energy Initiative

Archived: 10/01/2018

The Green Governments Illinois Act (Act) demonstrates the state's commitment to reduce negative environmental impacts, reduce greenhouse gases, and preserve resources for current and future generations. The Act also aims to strengthen the capacity of local governments and educational institutions to enable a more environmentally sustainable future. The Act established the Green Governments Coordinating Council (Council) to fully integrate cost-effective environmental sustainability measures into the ongoing management systems, long-range planning, and daily operations of state agencies. The Council will focus on initiatives that relate to energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fuel vehicles. Local governments and educational institutes are not required to participate in the provisions of the Act. (Reference 20 Illinois Compiled Statutes 3954/1 to 3954/45)

Jurisdiction: Illinois

Type: Laws and Regulations

Enacted: Oct 17, 2007

Technologies: Aftermarket Conversions, Biodiesel, Ethanol, EVs, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Natural Gas, PHEVs, Propane (LPG)

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